Saturday, May 16, 2009

We don't have to live poor, just because we are disabled!

Oh, I am so happy that winter is over, the ice is gone (no ice) and new life is budding in my backyard. One thing remains the same, I am disabled. I sit on my sofa, drinking coffee and trying to decide what to do next....... If you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Chiari Malformation, Syringomyelia and Tethered Cord, you know what I mean, chronic pain. Well, I have decided to rise above my woes and make a difference in someone elses life! What? Yes, instead of doing for me, my goal is to help others realize their dreams. I was born with great abilities that have gone by the wayside, but I have abilities that have surfaced since letting go of the former.

I have worked in so many programs since leaving corporate America. There are a lot of scams (get rich quick) and crooks on the internet. -- Read all of the studies. Watch the presentation--read the scientific articles. Great compensation plan Absolutely divine products. I have been with this company for 6 years and I get paid every month (I was acutely ill for the last 5 years).

I will continue with this blog tomorrow, but for now, don't settle for mediocrity. I have a great team that supports me and I am a first responder when needed.

I also have a great plan where you can call unlimited all over the world with your cell phone at a LOW FLAT rate, Without changing your carrier.

God Bless, Linda


  1. I was born with Spina Bifida(Myelomeningocele), had tethered Chord and Suffer with my Chiari Malformation. I don't settle either--in two weeks my wife and I will ride 500 miles across Iowa in one week. I was born with a ton of abilities. This post was meaningful.

  2. I suggest this site .
    Here, you easily can find friend. you can easily share your experience with others. You can also learn latest news and all the things related to chiari malformation.
